Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Travel Day, Part 1 (adoption day)

Photo #1: About to ride the subway
Photo #2: Daniel's room at the orphanage

Today was a long day of travel and appointments. Our guide tried to get us to as many appointments as possible before the government offices closed down for the upcoming holiday.

Besides the government office for the adoption, the notary office for paperwork, the passport office--to apply for Daniel's passport, etc., we also got to visit Daniel's orphanage and finding spot. We traveled by foot, van, taxi, subway, and high-speed rail.

There are volunteers from the States and from Australia who help in Daniel's orphanage. If was WONDERFUL getting to meet these lovely people! The children are so blessed to have these caregivers! In addition, Daniel was glowing during his visit to the orphanage. His nannies were glowing as well! We could tell he was loved on immensely! What a great way to begin his life as an orphan--loved and cared for!

God bless his caregivers!

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