Sammy has been sick since we received him. His files from China said that he was continually sick, so we have no idea how long our little guy has been suffering.
Even though he was on Chinese medication when we received him, continued on medication until we got home, and took three antibiotics back-to-back here in the States, Samuel
still has an ear infection!
Today when we went for our fourth visit to the doctor, she said both his ears look horrible (bulging, infected eardrums). Since the surgeons' office was closed by the time our visit with the doctor was over, tomorrow the doctor will push to get Sammy in to see the ENT specialist.
Not only is Samuel in pain from his ears, he has terrible chest congestion that sounds like asthma. His breathing is not responding well to Albuterol, so he will have his adenoids checked as well.
Albuterol 3-4 times a day is beginning to wear on the little guy,

but thankfully he likes watching the Mother Goose Club during his treatments.
Hoping to have some answers--and relief--soon.
In the meantime, I am
so completely enjoying his hugs, kisses, and singing. Samuel
initiates hugs and
kisses (!!!), and he sings to me!!!!!!! We have "our" song that he now sings to me, and I join in.
I used to sing
"God Made Me" to him, but now he sings the song to me in his Chenglish, and it is
so, so, so, so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a precious gift our Samuel is!!!!!!!
❤ "Thank You, Jesus, for Samuel!!!!" ❤
Friday morning update:
The doctor spends Fridays at the hospital in surgery. Today, after he is finished with all his surgeries, he will head to the office to meet with Sammy. It'll be some time after 4 p.m. We'd love your prayers for the doctor to have wisdom. Thanks!