We spent some wonderful time with family in Pennsylvania! The highlights of our vacation were spending time with family, sleeping on the train, taking multiple hay rides around the surrounding farms, watching the children drive Grandpa's tractor, visiting with the Amish family next door, watching the cows each evening, having water gun fights with each other (and the corn fields), playing soccer in the field with James' family, swimming in James' warm(!!!) pool, sitting under a tree at Grandpa's house enjoying cool breezes, watching the horse and buggies pass by Grandpa's house, playing frizbe as the sun set, catching lightning bugs, and just enjoying the beautiful countryside! Pennsylvania will always be "home".
Water gun figh against the cornfields. Who will win?
Trip to the Hershey factory:
The farm belonging to the Amish family we got to spents lots of time with. So fun!
Hay rides with Grandpa:
First time experiencing corn fields:
Thank you, Dad, Sandy, James, and Audra, for hosting us!!!!!!!!!!!!!