Friday, May 2, 2014

Hope's Birthday

Sweet birthday girl is 5! Two months ago we began telling her she was "almost 5" because we knew Andrew would turn 4 while she was still 4. She used to cry and cry! She did NOT want to be 5! She only wanted to be 4. But, today, she is excited about turning 5.

We had initially planned to be at LEGOLAND today, but we have moved the trip to Monday. (Andrew has been very ill with pneumonia, so this will give him more time to get well so he can enjoy his birthday trip.)

So, we have "Plan B" for today. We had blueberry Mickey Mouse pancakes, and daddy will be bringing dinner home with him ("eating out" without going out to share Andrew's germs). We will be having a picnic dinner in the living room during movie night. (We rarely ever have movie night, and this rainy day warrants an inside picnic.) Of course, there will be more streamers, cake, and candles to blow out J.

Hope thinks we're crazy for celebrate again, but we "ain't got no udder" choice!

We love our birthday girl!

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