Sunday, May 18, 2014

Derek heads home

Derek is expected to arrive home at the airport at 1:26 a.m. Monday. As you can imagine, the children and I are very excited!

Before we envelope him in our arms, I just wanted to thank all of our prayer warriors for upholding us! This time apart has been so much easier than I thought it would be--and I know it is because so many people were lifting us up in prayer. THANK YOU!

It has been quite evident from the sweet, peaceful sleep of the children that they have felt safe and secure. What a true blessing! Derek and I were concerned about Hope, but she did great! She is beginning to really understand that her daddy will indeed come back, and he will not abandon her!

There were many things that did not get done on my "To Do" list, but what got done was:
1. Playing time
2. Cuddling, snuggling, and kissing time
3. Story-telling time
4. Playground silly time
4. Reading time--which brings with it a lot more cuddle time
5. Lots of "together time"

So, though my house looks like it always does, and I didn't get the closets cleaned out or the clothes sorted and packed away...I got to be here, really here, for the children. So, we all have our love tanks full, and now it's time to make sure Derek/Daddy gets his tank filled up with family love.

In addition, thank you for praying for my dad! He is recovering well from his heart surgery. Thank you for praying! And, my ear feels so much better! The pain and pressure have stopped. Thank you!

May God bless you all for praying for us and caring about us! You have blessed us so much!

Up next: Pictures from Derek's trip.

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