I have had more time on my hands lately (due to some changes), so I have been busy getting things done that have been on my "To Do Sometime" list.
So, Cherish and I donned our painting clothes and got to work. We had large doll furniture and children's furniture to prime and paint.
Here's Cherish priming her doll highchair. Priming was great for her, because the raw wood drank up the globs of paint =).

During this time together I got so many comments like:
"I LOVE painting!" "I love you, Momma!"
"I love spending time with you!"
Sweet child!
This doll house was build by Derek's grandfather for
Derek's older sister almost 40 years ago!
Popsie did a fabulous job!
Aunt Rhonda passed the house down to Cherish,
and we gave it some new life:
It doesn't have "bling-bling" yet,
but at least the "work" part is done:
What Cherish doesn't know is that for her birthday she will be receiving doll furniture to fit into this house. In the past, she's just been using other items to play "house" with.
Also, we got sand for Cherish and set up a new-to-her sandbox. Of course, we let Cherish play in the sandbox in her pajamas the first night it was set up. Perhaps that's one benefit of being a child of an older parent. You realize that going outside in the dark and playing in pajamas really is ok. (She had a shower and changed pajamas afterwards so she wouldn't be sleeping in the itchy sand-filled pajamas.) We'll have to do that again
very soon.
Play--it's work for kids ;-).
Bed time and all the animals are in the exact spot they need to be in! If they are moved, she'll notice--even in the middle of the night!
Good night, Sweetheart!