Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cinderella Shoot

Pappy and Nanny always get their grandchildren to have their pictures taken around the age of three or four—in full costume in whatever interest they may have. Well, Cherish lives in the world of the princesses—specifically Cinderella.

She had a hard time taking the pictures since the camera ladies wanted her to act like Cinderella (pretending to run, pretending to be shocked that she lost a shoe…), and Cherish really didn't want to pretend with people gawking at her and taking pictures. Thus, this was our second time to the photo studio, and this time went much better.

This time I put "jingle bells" in Cherish's hair--which made her laugh when she shook her head. So, we got some smiles:

1 comment:

Louise said...

the pictures are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
She came out picture perfect as always :)