Monday, August 30, 2010

Catching up...

Well, I was visiting with someone recently and not wearing makeup. The lady said, “Oh, my goodness! What happened to your face? I don’t remember you ever being freckled before!” (The tone was one of disapproval.) I explained that the medication I had taken for headaches over the last couple of years had caused my skin to be extra-sensitive to the sun, and thus, I had broken out with a lot of sunspots on my face.

I would have been quite saddened by the lady’s comment had it not been for Cherish just days prior telling me she loved my face. When I asked Cherish why she “love[d] my face”, she said I was looking more like her—tan. (Her interpretation of my sun-spotted face = a tan.)

Derek took me to a store that sells cosmetics, and we inquired about getting something to lighten my spots. (He knew the two stories above.) The lady told me I could not purchase anything due to the fact that the creams enter the bloodstream and can be harmful to anyone whose blood has a tendency to clot. She recommended a dermatologist.

So, off I went to the dermatologist for the first time. “No big deal,” I told myself, “it’ll be so fast and easy, and I’ll come out of the office with a cream that will help….”

Unfortunately, the doctor cared little for the sunspots but noticed something else. So, she decided to biopsy a spot on my face. I was not expecting that at all!

So, here I sit with a hole in my face . So, if you see me and think I look even stranger, oh well. So be it. Maybe, for now, I can pretend it’s a dimple ;).

On a more joyous note, last night our church body met at the beach for an old-fashioned picnic and beach baptism. What an uplifting time of hearing testimonies of God’s work and grace in the lives of those who were baptized!

It is times like this that I am overwhelmed by the love and bonds our church Family holds.

Blessed beyond measure,

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