Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Preparation Day, Part II

It's 6:30 p.m. and Cherish has BARELY gotten any of the laxative into her! We are on a major time crunch and she is WAILING in pain!!!! This is so hard to endure, and there is SO MUCH MORE TO COME!!! We've barely scratched the surface of the pain and discomfort that is yet to come!

She wants to drink the Gatorade--because we've made it the "highlight" of "Special Day". However, she is TOO sick to get anything--including water--into her! (She doesn't know it's loaded with Miralax and is making her worse.)

We've been sitting outside in the sun making her sweat, so she'll get thirsty.

Lord, continue to help us and give us Your wisdom!

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