Andrew has been plagued with nightmares and night terrors ever since we received him. He suffers greatly. Pretty much every night. Some nights with multiple night terrors.
Tuesday afternoon during nap time Andrew had a night terror that was the worst I had ever witnessed and the longest I had ever seen him endure. After his nap, Andrew found a little New Testament on one of my bookshelves. He picked it up and carried it around the house, hugging it tightly.
I had an idea. I placed it under his pillow for him to sleep with. He seemed quite pleased.
Before bedtime I showed him the Bible under his pillow and prayed over him. He reached under the pillow, felt the Bible, smiled, and rolled over to sleep.
He woke up twice that night but had no night terrors.
Last night Pappy and Nanny treated Cherish and Andrew to an afternoon and evening out. This was a first for Andrew--being away from home without his mommy. He seemed a bit disturbed as the car he was riding in was driving away from our house without mommy in it!
Derek and I went on a date, and then picked the children up at Pappy and Nanny's house afterwards. The children had a change in their schedules and they went to bed late--two ingredients that I have found trigger the worst nightmares and night terrors for Andrew.
I reminded Andrew that he was going to "sleep with Jesus" and showed him his New Testament. Once again, he smiled, reached under his pillow, felt the Bible, and turned over and went to sleep.
He. never. woke. up. once. last. night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not once was he disturbed.
He had no bad dreams.
He had no night terrors.
He had peace!
Complete peace.
(For him and the family)
This was what I saw this morning when I went in to get him up for the day:

He has had no night terrors since the New Testament has been under his pillow!
This much I know:
Jesus is the Living Word of God (John 1).
He loves and cares for children.
He is the God of all comfort.
Andrew is now sleeping peacefully.
Thank You, LORD, for granting sweet sleep to this precious child!