Friday, February 2, 2018

Silent cries

This evening around 5 p.m. Matthew fell asleep on the floor near the kitchen. I periodically watched him sleep as I passed by him on the way to and from the kitchen.

At one point, I knelt down next to him to really look at him. What cute lips! What adorable pudgy cheeks! What sweetness!

As I was taking in his gentleness and peacefulness, Matthew began to cry--silently. I watched to see if it was just a passing cry. No, he continued to cry--silently.

I picked him up and cradled him in my arms. He cried on and off for about 2 hours!

All I could think about was the number of orphans who have terrifying dreams and who cry without being comforted. 

Matthew finally calmed, but refused to go to bed. His crying sounded like he was scared. Cherish made him a bed next to her on the floor, and Andrew and she surrounded him until he fell into a peaceful sleep.

God bless my dear sweet children who seem to completely understand the needs of the newest ones coming home. They seem so tender and gentle--even during crying spells.

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