Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Influenza A...

has become a part of our family, so it seems.

Six out of 8 of us have come down with the flu thus far. It has played itself out this way:

Matthew woke up with the flu on the day he was to have dental surgery at the children's hospital.

When he went to the doctor's that day for a doctor's note for the hospital, the doctor put him on Tamiflu to cut the duration of the flu shorter.

The following day, Cherish became sick and was put on Tamiflu. She developed terrible headaches from the medicine, so she did not finish the Rx.

After several days on Tamiflu, Matthew developed an allergy to it. It took Matthew about 4.5 days to fully recover from the allergic reaction. We thank God for his full recovery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andrew came down with the flu, and though his fevers were over 105°F, he never seized. We praise God!!

Daniel came down with the flu, but only after he enjoyed his birthday. 😊

I took the girls to Tennessee to enjoy a family wedding, and Hope and I came down with the flu before the wedding. However, we had all sorts of "bonding time" together in the hotel room. In addition, Cherish graciously chose to skip the wedding and festivities to stay with Hope and me in our time of need. God bless her!!

Derek's parents babysat while I was in Tennessee "for the wedding" and when I had to have a visit with the cardiologist. So far, neither one of them has gotten the flu! THANK YOU, JESUS!!

We are all thankful Derek and Samuel have stayed well so far. May it continue to remain that way.

No matter what, we know we are blessed...
in the good and in the hard!

We are thankful our Lord is Sovereign!

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