Wednesday, July 17, 2019

No longer tongue-tied

Matthew was doing the "fake cough" again this morning and asking to "go to the doctor". I told him we would go. He was so excited!!!! He forgot to eat and drink before jumping in the car 😉.... When we drove up to the "new doctor's office", Matthew squealed with delight and kept chanting, "my new doctor office!" In the surgical waiting room, Matthew was the ONLY one singing and doing his "happy dance"! He was SO EXCITED! He even fake coughed and told the administration ladies that he had to see the doctor right away!

Matthew did amazingly well, and he charmed all the nurses with hugs and love 😍! I am SO THANKFUL for his easy-going attitude!

Now for the recovery: He had his tongue-tie lasered, and I have to work diligently multiple times a day for several weeks to keep the tongue-tie from resealing. The surgeon suggested putting a spoon under his tongue and pushing backwards against the lasered area to keep the top and bottom from trying to adhere. Ugh. I do not think I am capable.... My queasy stomach!!!!

The easy part: liquid diet for several days with Motrin and Tylenol. I can do that!

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