This will be a totally random post as we have been so busy completing adoption paperwork (as quickly as possible), taking Internet adoption classes after Cherish is asleep at night, and finishing up projects around the house. Sleep has been on the back burner for about two weeks. We are zombies!
And, for some reason, I have time to sleep right now, but, no. Nothing. Can't catch those zzzz's. They're floating around out there somewhere, but they ain't anywhere near me. Perhaps the state of "zombi-ness" has to wear off....
Well, zombies or not, we press on. We want to give special thanks to Uncle Acie for coming to visit in order to show Derek how to use his new miter saw. (Next time, Derek has to ask for a birthday present that will not give me a hernia from lifting it!)
Here the two are working on the chair rail in our kitchen:
Perfectionist (thankyouverymuch!):
"Hey, Derek, get back to work and stop goofing off!"
The serious one checking out his beautiful work:
Thank you, Uncle Acie!!!
Also, a couple of days ago I walked into Cherish's room and she was cleaning it!
Yep, just happened to walk in to her room,
and she was cleaning it without any prompting from me.
(Shock of all shocks)
When I entered her room I saw this:
Catch it?
She had hung a shirt by a clothes pin on the blinds!
Later that night, the House Fairy Helper thought she deserved a gift for passing inspection:
(She had not passed the previous room inspection.)
Yep, it's a beautiful thing.
No nagging. No arguments. No complaining.
It's wonderful!
Happy Cherish. Happy momma!
Then, zombie-mommy played "patient" with nurse Cherish throughout this last week.
Hey, I was "working" at playing, not just taking any excuse to lie down ;-).
Then there are the swim classes...another shock: she put her head under water!
When I was praising Cherish in the car,
she told me that her swim teacher pulls her under water by one or both of her arms.
Yet, Cherish continues to trust her; so, it's all good.
Cherish's favorite part...jumping:
Look at those hands grabbing for security:
Side note: She "swims" in the inside pool and jumps in the outside pool.
That's why the pictures vary so greatly.
Well, Cherish just fell asleep, so I'm off to my second-to-last adoption class....