Saturday, April 21, 2012

What a dad!

It was last Saturday morning. Cherish had received a new tea set from her grandparents the day before, and she asked daddy to have a tea party with her (a common request). However, she requested they dress up this time. Derek went to his bedroom to get out of his pajamas and returned showered and in a suit and tie--dressed down to his shoes! They played together for about thirty minutes and then Andrew wanted to join in.

The thing is, this is not unusual for Derek. If you entered our house when daddy is home, you will often find him playing cars with Andrew, reading to Cherish, building blocks with Andrew, playing dolls with Cherish, etc. If Derek is home and not mowing the lawn or doing needed chores, you will most often find him playing with the kiddos--on their level.

He is an amazing dad!

Oh, and as I type this Derek is allowing Cherish to paint his toe nails. Why? Because he knows his daughter loves to spend time with him, and she wants to pamper him.

Daddy, with green and purple toes, in a pattern. It's sweet. But don't worry, they'll be back to normal in thirty minutes after she's in bed.

Did I mention?
What. a. dad!

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