Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Consulate Appointment Day

This morning went very smoothly. My wake-up call came at 5 a.m., but my eyelids barely opened. I kept thinking about how wonderful it would be to have a snooze button, but calls from the front desk just don't work that way.

Derek and I began our morning, and promptly woke the children up an hour later. Derek--true to himself--sang the children awake =). His made-up songs crack me up!

The children c.r.a.w.l.e.d out of bed. We all dressed and got down to breakfast by 6:30 a.m. By 7:30 a.m. we were on our way to the USCIS office.

En-route, the sky began to darken. By the time we arrived at our first stop, the drizzle began. Derek so graciously bought a large umbrella to keep the babies dry. (Daniel had woken up with what Sammy has been struggling with.)

We walked the distance to the security check (outside), at which time our umbrella had to be locked in an outdoor compartment.

We walked through security and on through that building and into another building.

Everything went smoothly inside the USCIS building, taking about 2 hours.

Then, we had to trek back through the rain to get to the exterior corridor to get our umbrella. Low and behold, our umbrella had been stolen! It turns out, each locked compartment has its own key, but the key opens MULTIPLE compartments!!!! Derek tried our key in about seven compartments, and all seven opened! Our umbrella was gone!

At this point, the rain was coming down heavily. We had a long trek through the pouring rain with all the children. The babies were soaked!

We got on the bus and requested the air conditioning be turned off. It went off for about 1/2 the ride.

When we got back to the hotel, we changed the children and blow-dried their hair, quickly getting downstairs for travel group pictures.

Here we all are--after our drenched morning:

(Both boys were just adopted)
Our group's children:
We all cleaned up pretty well.

Please pray that Daniel and Samuel will be able to kick this cold/sickness before our trip home.

We leave at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, ET, and arrive at our local airport 43 hours and 20 minutes later. Starting out healthy would be so helpful!

1 comment:

The Redhead said...

You can't just say "I choose snooze--call me back in fifteen" ? ;) Oh no! The umbrella was stolen :( I can only hope that whomever took it needed it more than the boys :( Love the pictures of the travel group, your family, and the kiddos! You'll be leaving here soon--hoping the boys are feeling better--prayers being sent!!!