Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Adoption Day!

What a day! We began the day by going to the Registrar’s office and becoming the official parents of Andrew Zan-Cheng. Then we went to the Notary’s office to have all our paperwork notarized, etc.
Today, Andrew officially became OUR SON!
Thank You, LORD!!
After all the adoption day meetings, we brought Cherish back to the hotel room where George and Carileen (aka Pappy and Nanny) babysat her, while Derek and I went to the hospital with Andrew. Of course, our agency rep went with us.
What an experience! What. an. experience! Derek and I laughed, were awed, and were in shock over and over again. That’s all I can say about that. Derek said that if I had gone without him and described the experience to him, he would have never had believed the stories. It. was. eye-opening.

To summarize, Andrew has bronchitis and is on the verge of pneumonia. The doctor wanted to admit Andrew into the hospital, but our agency rep talked the doctor out of it.
Thus, we spent many hours at the hospital today, we will go back tomorrow, and we will go back the next day. We fly to the next province the following day.

Waiting at the Registrar’s office to be sworn in. What a dad!

At the Notary office signing away—with two children in my lap:

Off to the hospital:

Waiting to be seen by the doctor:

So weak!

Examination room:

Back “home” after many hours:
We got to see smiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We head back to the hospital tomorrow for more treatments, and we are praying that Cherish doesn’t catch this bronchitis.

God has been protecting her. We continue to marvel at her health—as normally with her immune system, she catches everythingand quickly!
But, God.
He is All-Powerful!


Laurie said...

I remember that room - I signed all that paperwork for my sweet girl in the same place! Hope you guys can stay OUT of the hospital! And hey - if your guide is Yisha, tell her hello and Merry Christmas from Hannah and I!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful family. Praying you all get/stay healthy and enjoy the baby-


Katie said...

Yay!! He looks comfortable around you. Cherish and him together...How CUTE!!!!! I will be praying for all of you especially little Andrew. Bronchitis in small children/babies usually means asthma (not always). Respitory problems in little ones can turn bad to ugly in moments. Sorry you guys have to go through all that. So excited for you!!!!!!

Katie said...

Yay!! He looks comfortable around you. Cherish and him together...How CUTE!!!!! I will be praying for all of you especially little Andrew. Bronchitis in small children/babies usually means asthma (not always). Respitory problems in little ones can turn bad to ugly in moments. Sorry you guys have to go through all that. So excited for you!!!!!!