Saturday, December 31, 2011

We are home!

We are home and so thankful for the prayers of so many that have sustained us! Derek’s stomach bug decided to hitch a ride home and also invade Andrew in the process.

Andrew did great on the flights, sleeping twice about an hour and a half each time. Cherish was a trooper and chose to stay awake and entertain Andrew and the other babies traveling home with us. She did fall asleep twice on the international flight, sleeping about 30 minutes each time.

Derek was sick and slept little. I couldn’t sleep as my blood has a tendency to clot, so I had the privilege of walking the plane and keeping vigil over all the other sleeping travelers.

George and Carileen took several catnaps and drank lots of caffeine. When they arrived home, they were the ones speaking in coherent sentences.

When we arrived home last night, we were feeling extremely nauseous and like cold/flu germs had invaded our bodies. However, we are feeling quite better this afternoon—thanks to the prayers of so many faithful prayer warriors and the homemade meals my mom had made and left in our refrigerator!

We have been taking naps since returning home, as Cherish seems to be quite wired. She slept last night until 11:30 p.m., then up again at 12:15 a.m., then up for good at 2:30 a.m. Derek got up with her and Andrew, and I went back to bed. At 5:00 a.m. Derek made breakfast, and everyone had breakfast together. Then, I put the children to bed around 5:30 a.m., and Derek and I hit the bed. Cherish slept a total of about two hours—getting up and down during those two hours.

So, we spent the day trying to stay awake. We unpacked, sanitized our shoes, washed about four loads of laundry (and have about 5 loads left), took a walk in the sun, and ate several home cooked meals. We played with the children and gave then both a bath. It feels like we accomplished a ton—when it comes to dragging from not having a night’s sleep since Thursday daytime (local time).

What we didn’t do is clean up much after the meals, and we left the unwashed laundry on the floor in sorted piles. (I have about 5 loads left, as we have to wash all our coats, gloves, etc., and the sheets from the beds of the ones who were sick with fevers and bronchitis before we left home.) Also, the children’s toys and snack Cheerios have found their way to the floor—resting comfortably, I might add. It looks like a tornado hit our house. Oh, well. Tomorrow’s another day.

All in all, we have witness the amazing hand of God as He protected Cherish from illness—as she normally gets sick within hours of exposure. And, yet, with all the flights, team illnesses (fever, etc.), Andrew’s bronchitis (and she kept hugging him, kissing him, and sharing food with him), and the stomach bug, not. once. did. she. get. sick! It truly is a miracle.

Also, God helped Derek in his illness and weakness to be able to travel and carry our luggage. He was a trooper—though he was ashen and obviously weak and sick.

God has been
Our Sustainer.
Our Help.
Our Comforter.
We know we could not have endured this tremendously hard trip without the faithful warriors who held us up in prayer. God bless each one of you!

Before I sign off, I’d like to give a special shout-out to Dr. Fink for picking us up at the airport, my mom for cooking us meals specifically geared to nausea, flu, etc., and for my neighbor, Cheryle, who mowed our lawn and got us milk from the grocery store. We have felt carried during this time of sickness and transition. THANK YOU!

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