Tuesday, September 15, 2015

New Adventures Ahead

Derek’s job was abolished yesterday at the end of his first day back to work after returning home from China. Therefore, Derek and I worked on his resume today and he applied for a new position within his same company. In the meantime, we are so thankful he has work he can fall back on in the union (all within the same company). We know God’s sovereign hand is over Derek, his work, and our family.

It seems that each time we adopt, we experience many, many trials. However, we have found that the trials leave us resting in the lap of Jesus. When we have no place to turn but up, it’s a special time of trusting and seeing God work like we do not get to experience in “everyday life”. The blessings that flow out of this time keep us going back for more.

We get to know the Savior in new and precious ways.

Adoption is not glamorous. It is hard yet beautiful. It is experiencing Christ in a deeper and different kind of way.

We are trusting the One Who knows all, and we are enjoying the peace He gives!


Cherish wrote this note of encouragement to her daddy...

Isaiah 30:21, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left,
your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,
'This is the way; walk in it.'"

1 comment:

briezzyh said...

oh no! I understand how that feels, we have gone down that road many times. I will be praying Derek is able to get a new job soon. Rest in the fact that the Lord ALWAYS provides even when its not the way we may "want".