Sunday, September 6, 2015

Transitioning to Guangzhou

Sorry for the absence of posts. With playing and taking care of the children, shopping for the baby, boiling baby clothes, doing laundry by hand, packing, traveling to Guangzhou, unpacking…I've been a bit too busy to sit and post.
Our last day in Zhengzhou, Derek took the children swimming twice, while I kept Daniel with me. The first time they went swimming, Hope did not want to swim. Derek had a camera and took pictures. The second time they went swimming, Hope joined them, but it was an evening swim while I packed, and Derek forgot the camera. Thus, the absence of Hope in the pictures.
We are now in Guangzhou, China, to work on getting a visa for Daniel to enter the States. His passport was not finished in time (due to a 3-day holiday), so we flew to Guangzhou with him on our adoption paperwork. We are awaiting the passport to arrive in the mail.
I am still the diarrhea-cleaner-upper with a diaper rash that is slowly getting better. Since Daniel's rash/sores have hurt him so much in the past, he still screams from nervousness as I clean him up (even though the rash is about 80% better). Therefore, Derek gets to snuggle little guy as I finish the clean-up after a blow-out, and Derek is the "chosen one". =) It's all part of "transition time".
We keep trying to figure out why he has diarrhea, but we have not yet found the source. He has several allergies, but we were told he breaks out in a rash from eating such foods. However, we are also wondering if diarrhea could be a side-effect to food allergies as well. It's hard to know the ingredients of foods we don't prepare.
Derek and Cherish just left to take Daniel for his visa photo and medical exam, and I am back at the room with the other two. Since our flight got in late and we had an hour drive to the hotel, Andrew got a late night nap in the van and was up super late last night. We've split up for the morning so I can put Andrew down for a nap.
I gave Daniel Children's Pepto Bismol this morning to keep Derek from having to clean-up a mess while he is out with Daniel. (The medical exam is mostly to check to see if he is free from communicable diseases so he can fly into the States.) Since Daniel will be experiencing stress this morning, we wanted him to have the parent he's most comfortable with. Hopefully, Derek will be free from a blow-out!
And, just in case the diarrhea is from Giardia, I am boiling all Daniel's clothes as they are soiled. It's keeping me busy! =)
(I wash Daniel's clothes out with soap, and then I close the drain in the sink or tub, and I repeatedly pour boiling water--that I've brought to a boil in the tea pot--over the clothing. Then, after the clothes are finished, I sanitize the tub or sink.)
This afternoon we will do some visa paperwork--getting ready for Daniel's visa appointment with the U.S. Consulate on Wednesday morning.
During our entire time in Beijing and Zhengzhou, we never came across another American family or ANY other family who was/is adopting. This morning, in Guangzhou, we met one other family who is here to adopt. We are joining up with them.
The difference looks like this: in two weeks there will be 14 families here adopting from CCAI alone! AND, there will be other families here from other agencies adopting as well. This is a completely unusual situation for China adoptions!
That's all for now. I have laundry to do. God bless you all!

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