Saturday, January 13, 2018

Made it to Guangzhou

The boys leaving Zhengzhou.
Derek figured out the baby carrier
and wore it for the first time!
Have I mentioned how proud I am of him?!!!

Other adoptive families in Derek's group:

Saying "Good Bye" to the guides
who have become dear to our hearts over the years:

Matthew's favorite milk drink:

Matthew's first flight:

The patient, quiet, non-complaining child:

Prayers for Andrew.
His asthma refuses to come under control.

Notice the king sized bed?
Andrew each year chooses the chair for his bed.
He is such an easy going child!

And, Matthew fell asleep sitting up!

Please, please pray for Andrew as he went to sleep ill. He has 18 more vials of albuterol left. Sadly, I failed to pack a new inhaler for him to travel with. His previous one was needing replacing, and I must have gotten preoccupied with something, because I did not pack the replacement. Thankfully, Derek will be able to obtain more vials at the pharmacy, but that doesn't help when they are on the road or at appointments. The travel nebulizer requires electricity.

God can heal Andrew. We trust Him.

Also, please continue to pray for Derek as asthma is a 24-hour job...on top of what he's already doing for the boys.

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